After years in the wilderness of inadequacy the weary hero has returned to sit on his throne as Grand Supreme Champion.
Yes, today I finally beat Rob at badminton.
You may laugh but it was no mean feat! It felt like I was wearing a balaclava lined with hot water bottles.
Before the match I took on all the advice from the forum, Jonathan the Chemist, the two Steve's and Kate all saying don't over do it in your first week. It all made sense to me and I left for the leisure centre in calm but confident spirits.
The first shuttlecock was hit into the air and it all went out the window.
It was like I was possessed by my fallen countrymen of Culloden and the shuttlecock said "Made in England" on the side. I ran about like a demented elephant on steroids and the only thing I heard above my raging heartbeat was the booming noise of my footsteps as I ran for every shot, reminiscent of the T-Rex scene from Jurassic Park!
My secret weapon? Unquestionably the Chicken Soup Shake I had for my tea. WOW, what a taste explosion after a week of Strawberry and Vanilla, and a huge up to Steve D who said I could add a wee bit of curry powder to it. It's only 8:20pm and I'm already looking forward to my tea tomorrow!
I'm just glad Rob didn't pick up his Chicken Soup before we played or he might still be sitting on his throne.
Hail to the King Baby!
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