Hi Guys n' Gals and welcome to my blog.

Here I will diary my ups and downs on the Lipotrim Total Food Replacement diet in the hope that by letting you all know I'm doing it will keep me on track! If it helps any budding slimmer out as well then fantastic!
For the record I'm starting at a shocking 21st 7lbs, and I'm setting a target of 28 days to start with, any more and I think I'd cry.
Hoping that in years from now when I'm putting on my 34" jeans I'll look back on this and laugh!

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

First Week Weigh In......Drum Role Please.......

Well I had planned to build this up and create a wee story about how nervous I was pulling up in front of the chemist but I can't............I LOST 15 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A wee secret voice inside my head was whispering to me how good it would feel to loose a stone, and I did better than that!!!!

And just like the Oscars I have to thank everyone involved, from my perfect family to Rob for being my Lipotrim buddy and Steve D inspiring me to give this a bash, Deano for taking the piss and work colleagues for their support.............*sob*

Right, enough of that shite :)

What a spring in my step I had after that, bounced from meeting to meeting, feet hardly touching the ground.

Jon D in work even commented while I was standing next to him having a pee that the weight was shifting.........sexual discrimination claim???

So where from here? Well week two obviously, but can I keep up a similar loss? All the data on forums seem to suggest not but I'm going to throw myself into exercise this week and see what happens. Weird how I find it easier to exercise on this diet than before, it's like it makes more sense in my head now as a simple equation that because my daily calorie intake is fixed any additional exercise means more weight off.

Rob's first weigh in tomorrow, so expect more jubilation in tomorrows blog!

1 comment:

  1. well done babe you have done fantastic the kids and i are so proud of you know its been hard but so worth it now 15 pounds, bye bye belly!! xx
